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Re: Comparison of philosophical languages

From:And Rosta <a.rosta@...>
Date:Friday, January 17, 2003, 1:08
> Ygyde conlang is ahead of the competition. It has only one > flaw: some of its compound words are not defined well, which > means that it is difficult to guess their meaning. I invented > this language with the help of Patrick Hassel-Zein > Web description: > > and
My impressions were that the language had nothing to make it stand out from the ordinary. But perhaps the extravagant claims made for it made me overhasty in my judgement, since experience teaches that usually when claims are made about the superiority of one conlang over another, the claims teach us nothing save not to trust the judgement of the person making the claim. If if the person making the claim is the person who invented the language, one's natural inclination is to suppose that the language too was founded on naive judgement. Unfortunately, because artificial languages have for so long been the province of ungifted amateurs, they were long held in thoroughly deserved contempt by the world of linguistic scholarship. The same goes for the study of etymology and distant genetic relations between languages, except things are a little less dire here, because the maniacal attentions of the ungifted amateur are mitigated by a core of genuine scholarship.
> Lojban words are difficult to pronounce because they have > consonant clusters. There are 1350 Lojban root words. The > root words have at least two forms which are 5 letters long > and 4 letters long. Some root words also have a 3 letter > long form. Compound words, which are called lujvo are > unpopular because they are very long. There is no dictionary > of the compound Lojban words and some Lojbanists question > the need for the dictionary. Web description: >
Far be it from me to defend the design principles of Lojban morphology; they are indefensible. But the consonant clusters need not be pronounced as consonant cluster, so cannot be called difficult to pronounce. --And.