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Re: Comparison of philosophical languages

From:Muke Tever <mktvr@...>
Date:Monday, January 27, 2003, 2:30
From: "Andrew Nowicki" <andrew@...>
> SC> "Money craftsman" could be a lender of money. > SC> A banker, a usurer, a maker of counterfeit money. > SC> To get refinements on your words, your phrases will > SC> have to get longer and longer. How is that simple? > > accountant = ogaja = "noun money craftsman" > banker = ogaco = "noun money expert" > usurer = owogaco = "noun hungry money expert" > counterfeit money maker = onygaja = "noun false money craftsman"
Then what about a minter of *genuine* money?
> These compound words are not precise descriptions, > but they give a hint of the thing they describe. > We can argue forever if Ygyde compound words are > easy to memorize, but only a test on students would > give us the answer. I do not remember all the Ygyde > root words, but I easily memorize all the English > descriptions (money craftsman, money expert). The > root words are hard to memorize because they all > sound alike. On the other hand, the compound word > descriptions (money craftsman, money expert) are > vivid and thus easy to remember.
Then perhaps it would be adviseable to scrap the Ygyde roots and use the compound word descriptions as a language instead. *Muke! --