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Re: pictish

From:Eamon Graham <robertg@...>
Date:Tuesday, August 27, 2002, 10:16
Nihil Sum wrote:
> > Did someone hack into Clint Baker's email or something? Someone trying a > prank to get him booted off the list? It doesn't seem to be in response to > the "Pictish" thread in which it was included. I can't see any posts by > Baker in that thread at all, other than his sudden salutation. Either > someone's messing with his email, or he's really really bipolar. > > Nil
Nil, that's what I was thinking too. For lack of a better word there are several "viruses" running around that work through people's e-mail programs and send an e-mail to every address on their list. Once a week I get something from somebody I know that is merely a series of nonsensical sentences like "The angle of a dangle is inversely proportiante... etc." The person who wrote this one just wasn't that imaginative. The point is, I seriously doubt that Clint wrote that. Either somebody was messing with his e-mail or he got one of these "viruses." Eamon


Padraic Brown <elemtilas@...>