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Re: Word orders in comparative constructions

From:Roger Mills <rfmilly@...>
Date:Tuesday, December 9, 2008, 19:30
> --- In, Jim Henry <jimhenry1973@...> wrote: >> >> 3. How does your conlang form explicit comparatives? >>
Kash: correctly, with a verbal form modified by _lavi_ 'more' (or _omban_ 'less') çenji lavi yavital alo ereki name more 3-tall from(=than) name+gen. Shenji is taller than Erek. colloquially: vitalni çenji lavi alo ereki tall-poss. ç. more than e. With a pronoun: çenji lavi yavital aloni/ alomi/ aloti Sh. is taller than him/her, than me, than you It can get complicated: ç. lavi yavital alo pilani (pila 'think'+poss.) 'Sh. is taller than he (Shenji) thinks' ç. lavi yavital alo re yapila ~pilani 'Sh. is taller than he(other) thinks' (using _re_ shows change of subject) Superlatives use _krat_ 'most' (or _imik_ 'least') mina krat yavirik alo yunoni name most 3-pretty (alo) all+poss. Mina is the prettiest of all (of them) A lot more detail can be found in section 6.2. of the Syntax, Prevli and Gwr, alas, are not yet ready for prime time......


Roger Mills <rfmilly@...>