Re: Word orders in comparative constructions
From: | caeruleancentaur <caeruleancentaur@...> |
Date: | Tuesday, December 9, 2008, 17:32 |
--- In, Jim Henry <jimhenry1973@...> wrote:
> 3. How does your conlang form explicit comparatives?
In Senjecas there is only one degree of comparison which is used for
both the comparative and the superlative. Adjectives and adverbs
form this comparative degree by qualifying the adjective or adverb
with the adverb `óvlu,' more, e.g., `mâjhe cwônes,' a big dog; `óvlu
mâjhe cwônes,' a bigger dog; `jôôre sînqes,' a fierce lion; `óvlu
jôôre sînqes,' [the] fiercest lion. The noun or pronoun of
comparison is in the stative case followed by the
postposition `tééra,' (< `têêra,' to compare) in comparison to.
There are no suppletive forms.
Adjectives form the equative degree by adding the suffix `-stâlis'
to the class root of the adjective, e.g., `môðre fââfles,' a blue
butterfly; `fââfles des móðrestâles nésyo tééra êsa, this butterfly
is as blue as that one. The noun or pronoun of comparison is in the
stative case followed by the postposition tééra, in comparison to.
Negative comparative adjectives and adverbs are formed by qualifying
the adjective with the adverb `lisu,' less, e.g., `dâânes des lísu
ôôces nésyo tééra êsa,' this river is less swift than that one.
Negative equative adjectives are formed by using the adverb `ne' to
negate the verb, e.g., `fââfles des móðrestâles nésyo tééra êsa ne,'
this butterfly is not so blue as that one.
The elative comparison with "very" is formed by a reduplication of
the adjective or adverb, e.g., `skîþlom comhcómhvi per twîva,' he
opened the box very carefully; `nus méngëmêngus gwênus êsa,' she is
a very beautiful woman.
When a non-derivative adjective is used as a verb, the
adverb 'lábu,' very, must be used to translate the elative
comparison, e.g., nus lábu mênga, she is very beautiful.
I've never heard of the hyperlative. I'll have to work on that one.