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Re: IPA/SAMP question

From:David Peterson <digitalscream@...>
Date:Wednesday, November 14, 2001, 5:44
In a message dated 11/13/01 6:08:43 PM, Fuscian@AOL.COM writes:

<< Aren't the arrows for tones? I think you'd use the raised or lowered
- /_r/ and /_o/ respectively. Which would would make the sound /e_o/ or
/E_r/. I could be wrong though. >>

    No, not that I'm aware of.  The tones are the ones that look like teepees
(or, at least two of them do).  There are two up and down arrows.  But, now
that you mention it, there are lowered and raised diacritics, but I forget
what they look like.


"s&m raSalo SirejsatIm, spAjs Zi v&TIl dZaGagzaZA."
"If it keeps on rainin', the levee's going to break."
        --Led Zeppelin