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Soaloa evolves, and a small challenge

From:Gary Shannon <fiziwig@...>
Date:Thursday, April 28, 2005, 23:27
I've been making some evolutionary changes to one of
my semi-active conlangs Soaloa.

Briefly, Soaloa (with a lexicon derived from my older
conlang Tazhu) has a fixed set of word classes and a
very rigid word order consisting of fixed-form clauses
linked together to make a sentence.  Every elemental
clause consists of exactly three words, although under
certain circumstances one of those three might be
dropped, leaving a two-word non-elemental clause in
actual use.  The words in a clause are identified by
their position as "S", "O", and "A" with the elemental
clause being of the form SOA.  An initial clause
might, under some circumstances, be simply of the form
SA, with the O-position word being implied.
Non-initial clauses are of the form SOA (elemental),
SA (with implied or understood O word), or OA (with
implied or understood S word).  Clauses are joined
into sentences by tacking them togther or by linking
them with a type "L" word.

Posible sentences include the forms: SA, SOA, SA+SA,
SA+SOA, SA+OA, SA+L+SA, SA+L+SOA, ... SOA+L+OA (from
which the language derives its name, Soaloa), ...
SOA+OA+SA+L+SOA, ... etc.  In general, the sentence
form is S[O]A+[[L]+[S][O]A+[L]+[S][O]A+...] where
words in square brackets may or may not be present.

Every elemental clause carries a complete unit of
meaning, and sentences require as many clauses as they
have units of meaning.  For example, "I have a red
crayon" has two units of meaning; 1) the ownership of
the crayon, and 2) the color of the crayon.  It thus
requires two clauses: "I have crayon", (ku pozo
seraku) and "[that crayon] is red" ([ite] to lozhu).
Putting the two units of meaning together we have "Ku
pozo seraku to lozhum." Form: SOA-OA. ("ite" is
subsumed by "seraku" according to one of the many
rules of formation. More details and many examples are
at )

Note: "-m" is appended to the final word of the
sentence as a verbal period or full stop to signal the
last clause.

As always, comments, criticisms, suggestions, etc.,
are welcome.

Challenge: In particular I'd like to find some complex
sentences in English that appear to be difficult to
translate into the strict clause structure of Soaloa.

For example:

Are you suggesting that we just wait here until
somebody finds us?

     S = I           (ku)
     O = question    (prevo) (to qustion the truth of)
     A = THAT        (de) (refers to the sum of
everything that follows.)

     S = you         (tu)
     O = suggest     (fervo)
     A = THAT        (de)

     S = we          (kwi)
     O = remain      (stato)
     A = here        (eru)

     L = UNTIL       (konda)

     S = somebody    (siandru)
     O = find        (desko)
     A = we          (kwi)

     Ku prevo de tu fervo de kwi stato eru konda
siandru desko kwim.

 I'd love to find an English sentence that can't be
translated into Soaloa, since that would show me where
the structure needs to be further evolved.

--gary shannon


Rodlox R <rodlox@...>
David J. Peterson <dedalvs@...>