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From:# 1 <salut_vous_autre@...>
Date:Thursday, April 28, 2005, 23:14
In my conlang Vbazi, I've devised the comitative case

There are the suffixes -yib/-dyib (depending if the root ends with a vowel
and a consonnant) that can be added after any noun or pronoun

To mean something like "X is with Y", they are verbalizers, it will be "X1
Y-yib-X2" with X1 being the X noun and X2 being the conjugaison at the X's
person/number (X1 can be dropped if it's a pronoun)

so with:
i = 1st singular
e = 2nd-singular

you have:
edyibi = I'm with you
idyibe = you're with me

To mean something like "X does Z with Y"  Z (Z is a verb) will normally be
conjugated for X and Y will take the -yib/dyib suffix AND the adverb suffix

so it would be like "X does Z in-the-way-of-being-with-Y" or "with-Y-ly"

kh = 3rd singular
sleep = -dzyiv-

you have:
I sleep = dzyivi

I sleep with you = dzyivi edyibwy /dz)Eivi edEibwE/
You sleep with him = dzyive khyibwy /dz)Eive k_hEibwE/

In addition of this, -dyib- can act as a full verbal root meaning "be
together" but that logicaly can't be used with a singular subject

so with:
im = inclusive 1st dual
de = familiar 2nd paucal
kv = human 3rd plural

we (two) are together = dyibim
you (few) are together = dyibde
they (many) are together = dyibkv /dEibkv=/

When used with the active marker "de", that verb will have the meaning of
"getting together"

we (two) get together = de dyibim
you (few) get together = de dyibde
they (many) get together = de dyibkv

Other uses might be possible such as "staying with" that is easy to make
because, if "be with" is a verb I can make something like "I keep

Is there another use of accompaniment I've forgot?