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Re: Soaloa evolves, and a small challenge

From:Roger Mills <rfmilly@...>
Date:Friday, April 29, 2005, 16:36
Charlie wrote:
> --- In, "David J. Peterson" <dedalvs@G...> > wrote: > > Hmm... How about one such as the following: > > "It's the kind of game that you just want to go home, sit down > and play right away." > > I consider the sentence to be ungrammatical because I view "that" as a > relative pronoun which is the subject of a verb that is not > expressed. Expressed grammatically, I believe it should be "It's the > kind of game that MAKES you just want to go home, sit down and play > right away." >
That's one way of looking at it, and if I'd followed the structure completely in Kash, it probably would have required the verb _rumek_ 'to cause'. But by topicalizing "this is the kind of game..." > "a game of this kind ("ambanip naya tayu" we avoided having to do that. However, as constructed, I feel David's Sentence is OK. Consider: I want to go home, sit down and play the game. -- which is a conjoining of the three related sentences I want to go home + I want to sit down + I want to play the game It becomes a sort of serial-verb construction: A[go someplace] + B[do something] + C[do something else]-- provided B is something you can typically/logically do in A, and C is something you can typically/logically do under both circumstances A and B. Some of the counter-exs. given by David and others violate one or another of these _logical_ requirements, and so come out as nonsense. All David has done is turn it into a cleft sentence by fronting "the game" (with some added words), but basically-- It's X that I want to.... (There are undoubtedly constraints on which A+B+C's can be turned into a cleft-S; I can't imagine offhand what they might be, but certainly-- "I want to go home, get undressed, and take a shower" cannot > *"It's a shower I want to go home, get undressed, and take." Note that if you add a resumptive pronoun, it becomes a sort of parody-Yiddish-English sentence-- "It's the kind of game that you want to go home, sit down, and play it." (If I'd been paying more attention to my own Kash grammar, the S should have been "ambanip naya tayu, na yá, hamelo...etc." which is their true Cleft-S, as opposed to the topic/comment structure (without _na ya_) I actually used.) Sorry if this seems disjointed; syntax was never my strong point :-((