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Re: Translation to Latin

From:caeruleancentaur <caeruleancentaur@...>
Date:Saturday, November 22, 2008, 12:42
> Jean-François Colson <jf@...> wrote:
>I know some one who's making a coat of arms (blason). He'd like to > add a text in Latin, a language he doesn't know. My knowledge of > Latin is extremely limited. Is there some one on this list who
> Latin enough to translate the following sentence? > [French]: « À combattre sans honneur, on triomphe sans
gloire. »
> [English]: « With fighting without honor, one triumphs without > glory. » > Thanks a lot for the help.
I'll take a stab at it: Pugnare sine honore, triumphare sine gloria. "Triumphare" emphasizes the exultation after the victory. If it's the overcoming that is to be emphasized, perhaps: Pugnare sine honore, superare sine gloria. or Pugnare sine honore, vincere sine gloria. My two denarii. Charlie


Ph.D. <phil@...>