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Re: USAGE: Weird dialectal stuff

From:Nik Taylor <fortytwo@...>
Date:Tuesday, January 11, 2000, 2:50
Paul&Kathy wrote:
> There just seemed (maybe I haven't been paying close enough > attention) to have a generally American base phonology, with some > sound-changes that were more towards British. /?/ for > intervocalic (alveo-)dentals springs most immediately to mind
That was deliberately British.
> (although this has already been discussed. I'm sure there were > some vowels that seemed to go towards and then through the > British forms.
Well, some time after the settlers landed on Terra Nova, there was a major vowel shift, actually, several different vowel shifts depending on location, the forms I've been describing are the East Landing forms, essentially: i -> e -> E -> & -> A -> O -> o -> u -> y -> i (/y/ came from /ju/) Also, /@/, /V/ -> /E/; Earlier, /aj/ -> /e/, /aw/ -> /o/, /I/ -> /E/, /U/ -> /O/, /Oj/ -> /9/ -- 20 Watikala'f Wakabi'f watya'nivaf plal 271 ICQ: 18656696 AIM Screen-Name: NikTailor