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Re: CONLANG pitch accent (was Re: NATLANG: pitch accent question)

From:Tristan McLeay <kesuari@...>
Date:Saturday, May 3, 2003, 17:11
Andreas Johansson wrote:

>>Is a language that has an anadewism in it an anadewist? If a natlang >>evolves such that now it contains an anadewism, is it anadewising? :) >> >> > >Nope, it's anadewizing ... > >
Zeds are over-rated. Zees sound like cees (especially the way Americans say them... I could understand a British-style dialect distinguishing Zee and Cee happily, but Americans?[1]) and should join the queue: sea and see are already there. [1]: You mightn't realise it, but either you use less /z/s than we do, our you make your /z/ differently from us, so it has the affect of making it look like the distinction between /z/ and /s/ isn't as strong as it could be. Next you'll be telling me that /"&n@dZuaizIN/ simply doesn't cut it for the pronunciation, either. -- Tristan <kesuari@...>


Muke Tever <muke@...>
Andreas Johansson <andjo@...>