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Re: Some help with Latin

From:Mark J. Reed <markjreed@...>
Date:Monday, September 24, 2007, 16:19
RAB> Vowels at the end of words, even if they are long, are elided before
RAB> another vowel in verse.

EB> ōdi' ĕt ămō. quāre' īd făcĭām fōrtāssĕ rĕquīrīs.
EB> nēscĭŏ. sēd fĭĕrī sēntĭo'. ĕt ēxcrŭcĭŏr.
EB> ' for elision.

So does "elision" in this case mean that the elided vowel is not
pronounced at all, regardless of whether it is normally short or long?
 Or do long vowels become short rather than disappearing utterly?

Mark J. Reed <markjreed@...>


R A Brown <ray@...>