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Re: Musical conlangs (was: Poetique)

From:Tommie L Powell <tommiepowell@...>
Date:Friday, January 9, 2004, 23:36
Costentin Cornomorus wrote:
> Of course, I'm not sure why Solresol is > restricted to three note words either.
I know why I would restrict it to 3-note words (plus 1-note and 2-note words). Here's why: First, 1-note plus 2-note plus 3-note words total 7+49+343=399 words, which is enough for general purposes (as in trade languages). Second, using only such words lets Solresol be played in 3/4 time, with each word occupying one measure, like so: In a 1-note word, the note would be held for 3 beats, and in a 2-note word, the second note would be held for 2 beats, and in a 3-note word, each note would last 1 beat. The most common words would be the 1-note and 2-note words, so they would occur so often that the listener could easily keep track of where each word starts (without any note being louder than any other). The reason I'd use 3/4 time instead of 4/4 time is that brains can momentarily confuse 4/4 time with 2/4 time (but never confuses 3/4 time with either), and momentarily confusing 4/4 time with 2/4 time would make you think that a measure's 3rd beat (instead its first beat) starts a word. --Tommie


Costentin Cornomorus <elemtilas@...>