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Arveuneic Part Three

From:feuchard <feuchard@...>
Date:Tuesday, December 5, 2000, 18:35

3.1 Pronouns

3.1.1 Personal pronouns
Here are the Arveuneic personal pronouns. Pretty standar Romance fare, I'm
afraid. The first given is the subject form, then the direct object, then
the indirect object and finally the possessive, with masculine and then the
feminine form.

I   jeu, me, mei, meu, mea
you (s, informal)   tu, te, tei, tou, tua
he   e, le, lui, sou, sua
she   ela, la, ela, sou, sua
we   nòs, nòs, nous, nôstre, nôstre
you (pl, polite)   vòs, vòs, vous, vôstre
they   eles, eles, eles, lor, lor

The possessive pronouns are generally preceded by an article (as in Italian
and Portuguese); one says "le tou deic" *not* "tou deic" for "your finger".
For emphasis, the article is dropped and de (indirect object pronoun) is
added: "tou deic de tei!", "YOUR finger". Prepositions are always followed
by indirect object pronouns.

3.1.2 Other pronouns
The other pronouns are "who, what, someone, something etc". They are given

who  qui
what   que cosa
someone  quelqu'un(a)
somewhat (!)   quelque cosa
anyone   aucun(a)
anything   aucuna cosa
everyone   cascun(a)
everything   cascuna cosa

of that, of it  en (cf. French en or Italian ne), from the Latin INDE
to that, there   gli (cf. French y or Italian lì)

3.1.3 Relative pronouns

who  qui
whom  que
that  que
the thing which  ce que
of which, whose  doun
which   lequeu, laquela

3.1.4 Usage

Personal pronouns always come before the verb. The order is:
subject  -  direct object  -  indirect object  -  en  -  gli  -  verb

Therefore "I'm off there to him" is jeu me lui en gli vai. "I'm off" is from
the verb anderense (cf. s'en aller or andarsene). Admittedly, a rather
contrived sentence, but it does show the ordering of the pronouns.

3.2  Prepositions

A few common prepositions combine with the article, like in Italian or
Portuguese or French.

en "in, into"
en + le - neu
en + la - nella
en + les - nès
en + las - nellas

a "to, at"
a + le - au
a + la - alla
a + les - aus
a + las - allas

de "from, of"
de + le - deu
de + la - della
de + les - dès
de + las - dellas

3.3 Demonstratives
In Arveuneic, there are three degrees of demonstratives (vs two in
English -here/there). The degree chosen depends on the distance of the
object, and are approximately:

aicì close to me (here, in my hand)
aquì close to you (there, a few steps away, in your hand)
ailà close to him (over there, far away, in his/her hand, and he/she can't
hear us).

Accordingly, the Arveuneic demonstrative adjectives and pronouns are the

distance pronoun    number    masculine    feminine
aicí        aiçô            sing        aiceste        aicesta
                              plur         aicestes        aicestas
aquí        aquô         sing        aqueste        aquesta
                               plur        aquestes        aquestas
ailà        ailô             sing        aquel            aquela
                               plur        aqueus          aquelas

There is also a neutral (in terms of distance) pronoun, çô, similar in use
to the French ça.

Next post will be verbs. I'm dreading it.


E souvein-te della veritát que se ja dissó,
                 And remember the truth that once was spoken,

Amer un autre es veder le visaic de Deu.
        To love anonther person is to see the face of god.