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Re: Sound changes

From:Jan van Steenbergen <ijzeren_jan@...>
Date:Tuesday, August 20, 2002, 6:12
 --- Balazs Sudar <conlang@...> wrote: > Hi all!
> > Are there any rules for sound changes in a language? I mean if I'd like to > create a new dialect, or a new language from an existing one, is it just the > question of my taste, which sound changes I use? Or are there any changes, > that cannot happen together.... If I'd like to create 2 dialects, which sound > changes can I use? (I mean if I use similar ones, I'll get only 1 dialect :) > I hope you understand what I mean.....
Don't forget one thing: reality often is weirder than the bravest conlanger could imagine. And another thing: every language has its own rules, and those rules are rarely applied consequently. In other words, feel free. If you are looking for inspiration, try one of the following: - take a bunch of Romance languages and compare them to Latin; - take a bunch of dialects in your own language to compare; - compare some German dialects (say, Schwytzerdütsch, Viennese) with Standard High German, or incidentally, have a look a Dutch :) The German soundschange is a piece of work on itself. - etc.etc.etc. Jan ===== "Originality is the art of concealing your source." - Franklin P. Jones __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Everything you'll ever need on one web page from News and Sport to Email and Music Charts