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Re: Sound changes

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Monday, August 19, 2002, 22:05
>Hi all! > >Are there any rules for sound changes in a language? I mean if I'd like >to create a new dialect, or a new language from an existing one, is it >just the question of my taste, which sound changes I use? Or are there >any changes, that cannot happen together.... If I'd like to create 2 >dialects, which sound changes can I use? (I mean if I use similar ones, >I'll get only 1 dialect :) I hope you understand what I mean..... > >Thanks > Balazs
I think it's pretty much what you like. If you want it historically plausible, it helps to take a look at dialects of an existing language to see what general trends there are. For instance, in Montreiano, final and intervocalic D's drop, because they have a tendency to do this in several Spanish dialects. You obviously wouldn't have /k/ > /g/ and /g/ > /k/ at the same time either. But i'd say that in general it's whatever suits you. __________________________ All the perfect drugs and superheroes wouldn't be enough to bring me back to zero So get out while you can...