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Re: Sound changes

From:Muke Tever <hotblack@...>
Date:Wednesday, June 8, 2005, 15:12
# 1 <salut_vous_autre@...> wrote:
> I have a question concerning the sound changes occuring in the languages > > I thought of creating a list of sound changes for my conlang (It could > remove the regularity that I don't like in Vbazi) > > But I didn't know how much.. > > How much sound changes may occur naturaly in languages in a gived period of > time?
One sound change is probably not going to take less than one generation, or about thirty years. You could have several sound changes going at once, but I wouldn't set up a sound change dependent on an earlier change any sooner than that. (Unless, say, there is some kind of cultural factor fast-tracking sound changes...) *Muke! -- website: LiveJournal: deviantArt: FrathWiki, a conlang and conculture wiki: