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Re: Sound changes

From:# 1 <salut_vous_autre@...>
Date:Wednesday, June 8, 2005, 1:56
I have a question concerning the sound changes occuring in the languages

I thought of creating a list of sound changes for my conlang (It could
remove the regularity that I don't like in Vbazi)

But I didn't know how much..

How much sound changes may occur naturaly in languages in a gived period of

I thought of doing this when I pronounced words and felt it would be easier
to do with other sounds that don't exist in Vbazi

In the list I thought, there are rules like /h/ between 2 vowels or at the
end of a word becomes /x/, /dz/ becomes /D/, /hw/ -> /p\/, /bv/ -> /B/, and
some others...

But I don't want to create too much before knowing how much time would pass
for having a quantity of sound changes.

I also want to do this to have a mother language as source for creating new
words like languages do with latin...

- Max


Muke Tever <hotblack@...>
Ph. D. <phild@...>Interesting Babelfish translation
Ph. D. <phild@...>