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Re: Sound changes

From:Andreas Johansson <and_yo@...>
Date:Monday, August 26, 2002, 20:33
Teoh wrote:
> >On Sun, Aug 25, 2002 at 05:47:06PM +0000, Andreas Johansson wrote: > > Teoh wrote: > > > > > >On Sat, Aug 24, 2002 at 12:17:27PM +0000, Andreas Johansson wrote: > > >[snip] > > >> The Cantonese name _Ng_? Please tell that there's a vowel missing >here > > >> somewhere - a word [N=] ought to be illegal! > > >[snip] > > > > > >No, I believe it *is* [N=]. In fact, my own mother tongue has it too. >[N=] > > >(rising tone) means "yellow". Although in my generation, it has become > > >[u~j~i~] instead. > > > > > > > Well, that leaves us with no choice - we must imprison all Cantonese > > speakers as well as all older-generation speakers of your mothertongue > > (which I fail to recall what it is) ... :-) >[snip] > >Well, imprisoned or not, we will continue to inflict upon the world our >language, which differentiates between aspirated, non-aspirated, voiced, >and unvoiced stops, differentiates between nasal and non-nasal vowels, and >is TONAL (7 tones, no less!),
Does that mean that you've got four series of stops? Neat, if so. As for tones, I'm tone-deaf, and so couldn't care less ... :-)
>and of course, which has cute words like > [N=] (low rising) "yellow" (it is actually pronounced [?N=], if > that makes you happy :-P) > [m=] (low level) "not" (borrowed from Cantonese) > [mN=] (low rising) "gate", in my generation it has mutated into > [mu~i~]. > [sN=] (high rising) "to waste" (which still remains that way in > my generation) -- with the older generation it also has > the obsolete meaning "to play". > [tN=] (low falling) "hot", "scalding" > [pN=] (low falling) "rice" > [nN=] (high falling) "people", as in, [kaki.nN=] "own people", > used as a way to identify oneself as part of an inner > circle. > [k_hN=] (mid level) "hole", "pit". > >Don't you just love the last two? And tonal too, no less. :-P
I somehow feel that [tN=] etc are are rather lesser crimes against humanity that [N=] by itself. And you still fail to say what your native language actually is! Andreas _________________________________________________________________ Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger:


H. S. Teoh <hsteoh@...>