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Re: Lukashenka (jara: Country names still needed)

From:Herman Miller <hmiller@...>
Date:Thursday, May 15, 2003, 2:37
On Wed, 14 May 2003 14:21:40 +0100, Jan van Steenbergen
<ijzeren_jan@...> wrote:

>But o horror, what happens here in the Low Lands? Writers, journalists, etc. >have not a clue about Russian, and I can't blame them for that. But then they >borrow their information from other sources, mostly German or English, and >borrow the German/English popular transcription directly into Dutch. Even >worse, in one text you can encounter "Schostakowitsch", "Prokofieff" ánd >"Chatsjatoerian".
In Lindiga, "Siostakoavits", "Prrakoafiev", and "Chatiatourrian". Actually, I haven't quite got the rules for transliterating names figured out. But Lindiga never borrows the spelling of a name from another language. The problem is, I don't always know the correct original pronunciation, so I end up with a distorted Lindigization of an English version that's distorted to begin with, or I make certain assumptions that might not be accurate (like assuming the name "Prokofiev" is stressed on the second "o"). And I'm not sure what to do with foreign sounds like [tS]. I've been considering different accent marks for foreign sounds and for indicating stress. So i might end up writing "S^ostakòvits^" instead of "Siostakoavits". (The reason for the long "oa" is to keep the stress on the next to last syllable, to avoid pronouncing it as APA [c"jOs'tAkOvits] = X-SAMPA [s\jOs"tAkOvits]).


Jan van Steenbergen <ijzeren_jan@...>