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Re: CHAT: poofs and yanks

From:Frank George Valoczy <valoczy@...>
Date:Tuesday, March 27, 2001, 22:13
> > I've just noticed, we've got loads of gay people [...]. > > Indeed, in the early days of the list we discussed the theory that conlangers > tend to be gay, bearded, left-handed, or all three.
I remember that discussion... today I'm halfway to 50...
> > > Denizens of the United States of America (if that causes anyone offence I'll > > give up on the entire nation, and try to persuade Canada to bomb it) on the
Oo, what an idea. All we'd have to do is send our Canadian-built F-18s up, and they'd fall at random places of their own volition...we wouldn't even have to put bombs on them! -------ferko Ferenc Gy. Valoczy Suurt chugunikka peene ahjo suhe et toukka. Virtual Votia - Vaddjamaa Internetaza: railways page: 25kV 50Hz: