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Uusisuom language (Online lesson)

From:Daniel44 <daniel44@...>
Date:Tuesday, March 27, 2001, 17:59
Uusisuom is a new, auxiliary language designed for international usage. Its
main influences have been Finnish, Lithuanian and Russian. It is a beautiful
language and surprisingly simple to learn and use.  Below is the text for
Lesson Two. Free, online lessons can be found at the main Uusisuom language
web forum at this link:

Some new words:

Mirko = cat
Vetta = water
Uusi = new
Huppo = bowl
Jo = and
Vajen = but
Lat = milk
Kavi = coffee

Sentences using some of the new words:

The boy and his cats are in the house: Poilu jo mirkollatat suuanne ruutisa

A bowl of water:    Vettakat huppo


'-kat' in Uusisuom is the same as <'s> in English. To say 'a bowl OF water',
you write 'the water's bowl' = vettakat huppo

A bowl of milk = latkat huppo

In English, you indicate that something belongs to more than one person by
putting the apostrophe (') after the 's'. For example: the boy's cat
(meaning the cat belonging to one boy) - the boys' cat (meaning the cat
belonging to a group of boys).

In Uusisuom, it is a very simple way of distinguishing between the two:

The boy's cat = Poilukat mirko
The boys' cat = Poilukatin mirko

You use '-katin' to indicate <s'>

Verb: to have = talti

I have - talan
You have - talet
He/she/it has - talollu
We have - talamme
You have (polite) - talatte
They have - talanne

Position word: '-le' meaning 'at'

The girl is at the house - Turta suuollu ruutile
The boys are at his house - Poilutat suuanne ruutillale

1 - yhti
2 - suuki
3 - vassi
4 - jorka
5 - lahvo
6 - kuuta
7 - loudin
8 - kovi
9 - volli
10 - luka

11 - yhtilukan
12 - suukilukan
13 - vassilukan
14 - jorkalukan
15 - lahvolukan
16 - kuutalukan
17 - loudinlukan
18 - kovilukan
19 - vollilukan

20 - suukiluka
30 - vassiluka
40 - jorkaluka
50 - lahvoluka
60 - kuutaluka
70 - loudinluka
80 - koviluka
90 - volliluka
100 - sani

Some more basic words and phrases:

Hello - hei

How are you? - Suuet hyva? (you are good?)

Yes - laip

No - ne

Thank you - kossi

Goodbye - joi

Some more sentences:

Are there four girls? Yes, and three little boys - Suuanne jorka turtatat?
Laip, jo vassi poilulutat

Hello, are you Neil? <Yes, I am> - Hei, suuatte Nil? <Laip, suuan>

Do you have coffee? <No, but I have water> - Talet kavi? <Ne, vajen talan

Daniel Tammet


daniel andreasson <daniel.andreasson@...>
Scott W. Hlad <scott@...>English plurals and possessives
Raymond Brown <ray.brown@...>
Raymond Brown <ray.brown@...>