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Re: Inherently Reflexive Verbs (was: mental masturbation)

From:FFlores <fflores@...>
Date:Thursday, June 3, 1999, 0:59
Sally Caves <scaves@...> wrote:
>=20 > I don't have a word in Teonaht. The dictionary I was copying (so long > ago) into my little notebook didn't have it. <G> Suffice it to say > I don't have a word either for "mental masturbation."
For "masturbate" I think there are probably a lot of circumlocutions in Drasel=E9q, to use in the presence of educated people. Not because masturbation itself is uneducated, but maybe because the usual term for it among men is a very explicit simile: _b=E9sgotsen_, middle voice (semi-fossilized here) of _besg=FCn_ "(to grab and) pull". Exquisite ladies who don't know this usage might, after hearing it, innocently repeat it believing it refers to something else, and offend someone. Calling someone a masturbator, in Dr=E1selhadh culture, is more or less as offensive as calling him a nail-biter or a nose-scratcher; but a married man that masturbates as usual practice is often made fun of, and it's a shame for his wife. "Mental masturbation", literally translated, would probably mean "thoughts about masturbation, self-stimulation in one's mind, sexual fantasy". This is because _b=E9sgotsen_ describes and is assumed to refer to the physical process, to which the=20 pleasure is a side effect only. BTW I haven't discovered a word referring to women -- they live a secret life, I guess, and they're too shy for my field researchers to get such intimate stuff out of them. We'll see. :) --Pablo Flores