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Re: Tiny Ini Update

From:daniel andreasson <daniel.andreasson@...>
Date:Wednesday, August 9, 2000, 8:59
Nicole wrote:

> And, ObConlang, whose conlangs use number systems > with weird bases?
I actually had far-reaching plans for a base nine system for Rinya. Though in the end it was too complicated for my simple base-ten-indoctrinated brain so I discarded it and went back to base-10 again. The reason for having a base-9 system was that I think 9 is a cool and magic number. It is also dividable by 3, which is an even cooler and even more magic number, and my lucky number. Hm. Perhaps I should have a base-3 system instead... So what's a base-3 system called? Trial? It sure would be one for my brain at least... :) Oh, I just read John Cowan's post. Triadic. I like that. Daniel