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Re: Sketch of Germanech 4/4: Syntax

From:Jörg Rhiemeier <joerg.rhiemeier@...>
Date:Saturday, December 8, 2001, 1:25
Henrik Theiling <theiling@...> wrote:

> Jörg Rhiemeier <joerg.rhiemeier@...> writes: > ....a *lot* of interesting stuff.... > > I really like that language! :-) > > Ever since you posted `El nom dellen rosen' I'd been waiting for > details. :-) `il cümmetz' I liked a lot.
I don't remember ever having posted such a text, and submitting an archive search, I found that you must have confused Germanech with Jelbäzech, a language by Dan Jones. It was him who posted it, and *his* language, not mine. But it is understandable, as the two languages are indeed based on similar ideas.
> You say the nouns don't decline for case, but in the above text, there > was something I *really* liked, namely: `kölli götz' vs. `il gotz'. > Is that still so (in that case: please explain) or did you revise the > grammar? In that case: it would be a real pity, I liked that so much.
Well, the examples you quote aren't from my language at all. BTW, the text in Germanech begins like this: En örigen füz il verb ez il verb fü com De ez il verb fü De. Jörg.