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Re: Sketch of Germanech 4/4: Syntax

From:Henrik Theiling <theiling@...>
Date:Saturday, December 8, 2001, 0:56

Almaran Dungeonmaster <dungeonmaster@...> writes:
> > "gelezen heeft Anna het boek niet" > > "read had Anna the book not" > > I mean, there's no case marking, but is still works... > > this totally different? > > This is not standard Dutch. It _might_ occur in poetry, but even then it is > a contrived example.
Puzzlnig. In German it's perfectly ok. Is it ok in a situation like: - Wat heeft Anna met het boek gedaan? Heeft ze het gelezen? What has Anna with the book done? Has she it read? What did Anna do with the book? Did she read it? - Nou, gelezen heeft Anna het boek niet, maar wel gekocht en bekeken. Well, read has Anna the book not, but EMPH bought and looked-at. Well, she didn't *read* it, but only bought it and looked at it.
> "Waarom hebben Jan, Willem en Piet Kees, Guido en Klaas geslagen?"
De vraag is waarom Martijn Jan, Willem en Piet Kees, Guido en Klaas zag slaan maar niets deed! The question is why Martijn Jan, Willem en Piet Kees, Guido en Klaas saw hit but nothing did. (Almost the same structure in German. :-)) **Henrik