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Re: Noun Cases

From:David Peterson <thatbluecat@...>
Date:Sunday, February 29, 2004, 4:25
Michael wrote:

<<Like, "What did this? The dog." I suppose "dog" would be in
the Nominative case for a language that used Nominative?>>

What you have in this case is ellipsis.   A response of "the dog", in
English, is short for "The dog did this".   If another language allowed one word
responses the same way English does (and all the languages I've encountered have
allowed ellipsis in one form or another), I would predict that it would get the
nominative case in *this* instance, but notice...

"Who did you call?   The dog."

In this case, the ellipsis is "I called" (or maybe "The dog is the one I
called"), and so "the dog" would be in the accusative case, or whatever case
governed the object of the verb "to call".
