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Re: _Seven Last Words of Christ_

From:B. Garcia <madyaas@...>
Date:Monday, March 28, 2005, 8:04
Here it is in Ayhan. This would be a strange passage to the Saalangal.

The Saalangal version and translation, followed by a breakdown:

1. Sindaká, hasemangyara tensa ku kang, taana inu jumosara ika
wangkane abarasara ika.
2. Nasay, haalingyaay kria siga ting seu mayuhaw
3. Saban, hamakotraak kria ku kriang ura bansan
4. Ating ura sindaká, ating ura sindaká, ane haligansara kria ku ting?
5. Ikudsara ati.
6. Setsusaan san.
7. Sindaká, sinokyara ati seu kriang ura nga mura ating ura kuyan .


1. Father, pardon them, because they do not know what they do.
2. Today, you will live with me in heaven (or: sky place)
3. Woman, see your son.
4. My lord, my lord, why do you abandon me?
5. I thirst.
6. This finished.
7. Lord, I place in your hands my spirit

> > 1. Pater, dimitte illis, quia nesciunt, quid faciunt. > Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are > doing.
Sindaká, hasemangyara tensa ku kang, taana inu jumosara ika wangkane abarasara ika. Lord, respect.pardon.act-anim-nat.pres. father to them, because not know.act-anim-nat.pres they what do.act-anim-nat they. Father, pardon them, because they do not know what they do.
> 2. Hodie mecum eris in paradise. > Today you will be with me in paradise.
Nasay, haalingyaay kria siga ting seu mayuhaw Today, you with me in Today, you will live with me in heaven (or: sky place)
> 3. Mulier, ecce filius tuus. > Woman, behold your son.
Saban, hamakotraak kria ku kriang ura bansan Woman, polite.see.act-anim-nat.imp you to your linker child Woman, see your son.
> 4. Deus meus, Deus meus, utquid dereliquisti me? > My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
Ating ura sindaká, ating ura sindaká, ane haligansara kria ku ting? My linker lord, my linker lord, why polite.abandon.act-anim-natpres you to me? My lord, my lord, why do you abandon me?
> 5. Sitio. > I thirst.
Ikudsara ati. thirst.act-anim-nat.pres I I thirst.
> 6. Consummatum est. > It is finished.
Setsusaan san. finish.act-anim-nat.past this. This finished.
> 7. In manus tuas, Domine, commendo spiritum meum. > Into your hands, Lord, I commend my spirit.
Sindaká, sinokyara ati seu kriang ura nga mura ating ura kuyan . Lord, place.act-anim-nat.pres I in your plural hand my link spirit Lord, I place in your hands my spirit. Notes: 1. Ayhan has no perfective form of the verb, which is why you see "why do you abandon me?" and "this finished". As such, they use various "plain tenses" instead. 2. "Sindaká" is one of the status level markers, used to address those of high esteem (gods, high chiefs, etc) 3. Ayhan prefers not to place the subject and object together. So, prepositions are used to indicated the "motion" of the verb, as in number 3. 4. Ayhan also has no word for "it", so "this" is frequently used -- Inu payangyara unamey ati tal amariey ka sey, payangyara kria? Yanaysatra sonataya atan inu jumoey ati atan matawsara jumoey ati.