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Re: Whatever happened to Cosseran?

From:Dan Jones <feuchard@...>
Date:Saturday, November 11, 2000, 12:21
Roger Mills wrote:

> Padraic Brown wrote: > >What we _need_ is for someone who knows *here*'s French history to > >look at what *there*'s France is like and figure out how it happened. > >Until someone does, all we really _can_ say is "something different > >happened"!> > > For a really independent South of France, how about the elimination or > failure of the Albigensian Crusade (the Fourth??, late 1200s IIRC??). > Quite aside from the heresy, which the Church could have compromised with, > or co-opted, this was a gigantic land-grab/power-play by the northern > nobility.
Alas, no. The retention of Paganism in the Channel Islands and the unity of an Ynysaw rely on a crusade against the Arvorc'hedow Pagans which was sparked off by the success of the Albigensian Crusade. Wasn't the Albigensian crusade the first one? All I can remember is that it started the Inquisition. However, maybe we could use this idea after all... The Albigensian crusade was abortive, it never took place because the heretics were intimidated enough to repent. However, Pope Pius (I thuink) had promised the French nobility a war, so he launced the Manican Crusade (against the Ynysaw a'n Vaenc'h) instead. Eventually, much later, Provence came under French rule, but national sentiment was strong enough by then so after Napoleon it declared itself independent. It needs to be joined with France pre-Napoleon, otherwise M. Bonaparte wouldn't have arrived in French Marseilles, but in a completely different country. I think this could work, actually. Any disagreements, the brammygow? Dan ----------------------------------------------------------- cuebra um deroát a zi sem, Break a piece of wood and I am there, cuoca um perro tu me meitera Dan Jones Lift a rock and you will find me