> The Tunu language is back at
> I lost the old lexicon so I made up a new one with excel. It's CVCV with a, e,
> i, o, u, p, k, t, m, n, x, r. Instead of parts of speech there are 4 deictics
> referring to the topic, the previous word and phrase and the next phrase--but
> it looks the same.
Kiki ya mite we Tunu. Xaki wo Tunu ya kanu. Tunu ya xaki we nuxo
texa xuka wo xaro rari.
Ye tepa wa kamo tara xuka wo Tunu ya xuri we poto wo kiki.
I used some tricky patches to get around some missing words in your
lexicon. The grammar is... well... I don't know. I took notes in order
not to forget what I tried to say and the interlinears look obvious and
Your task is to (try to) translate back in English and to explain what I
got wrong.
kiki ya xuka we mani poxe wi pawame yu nopo we noko, ;-)
Remi Villatel