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Re: Results of Poll by Email No. 27

From:Tristan <kesuari@...>
Date:Tuesday, April 8, 2003, 22:00
On Wed, 2003-04-09 at 00:21, Christophe Grandsire wrote:
> En réponse � Tristan <kesuari@...>: > > > On Tue, 2003-04-08 at 22:59, Christophe Grandsire wrote: > > > Which is actually a corollary of the Christophe Grandsire Law of > > Existence: if > > > you can imagine something, it exists, has existed or will exist > > somewhere in > > > the multiverse ;))) . > > > > Oops! Forgot one word in that: "probably" ;))) . Let's say I like to be > careful ;)) .
Lol, very good law you have their now :) How about the Tristan Law of Existence: if you can imagine something, it either exists, has existed, will exist, or does not exist, never has existed, and never will exist in somewhere in the multiverse :)
> > How about the set of all sets that don't belong to themself?* Does that > > exist > > somewhere in the multiverse? > > Why not? It's impossible only when you discuss about it using our limited human- > invented two-value logic. Why should the universe follow what is mainly a human > convention?
Do you know of any other logics? How to they work?
> If so, how? > > > > How should I know? This law discusses only the existence of things, not the > manner of their existence.
Good point :)
> And anyway, there's also another corollary from this law: seen that we human > beings are essentially limited in our way of perceiving and conceiving the > universe, it is probable that there exist things in the multiverse that we can > neither explain nor even conceive.
See previous
> I always find that humans must have quite a lot of guts to dare pretend that, > limited as they are, they can explain the whole universe. And that's a very > scientific opinion :)) .
Do we pretend that we can? I thought we pretended that we could predict the universe?
> LOL. According to a quick Google, the authors of the Principia Mathematica were > Bertrand Russel and Alfred North Whitehead, and the proof that 1+1=2 appears > only at the 362nd page of the book! > (
Okay, people mislead me then :) But yes, it was Russel. (Unfortunately, that scanning is too small to be read :(
> > Tristan (has come to the conclusion that mathematicians *must* have too > > much > > time on their hands to come up with things like that... And then to > > prove that > > 1+1=2...) > > Well, it was not that obvious ;))) (and it's not even always true ;))) ).
When does 1+1 != 2? And saying that 1+1=10 in binary is cheating and doesn't count, because 10 base 2 = 2 base > 2 :) (BTW: Thanks Teoh. Your explanation was helpful, even if it did make me all the more concerned about mathematicians :) ) Tristan.


Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>