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Rubaga Phones

From:Jeff Jones <jeffsjones@...>
Date:Saturday, March 16, 2002, 23:49
Hi all,
I have some tables of phonetic symbols ((I hope the columns line up))
I'm using for my Rubaga description and am wondering if anyone would
care to provide X-SAMPA equivalents.

                |  stop  fricative nasal trill later. aprx.
                | VL  Vd   VL  Vd    Vd  VL Vd    Vd    Vd
bilabial        | p   b    PW        m                   w
labiodental     |          f   v
labiodent.+pal. |          fJ  vJ
apicodental     | t   d    T   D     n             l
apicodent.+lab. |          TW  DW
alveolar        |          s   z            (r)
retroflex       |                            R
palatoalveolar  |          S   Z
palatovelar  or
palatal         | c   gJ   C   GJ    nJ           (lJ)   j
velar           | k   g    x   G     N
labiovelar      | kW  gW   xW  GW    NW           (LW)
uvular          |                         X  Q
glottal         |          h
labioglottal    |         (hW)

Items in parentheses are sounds that I'm considering deleting.
[PW] is a _rounded_ bilabial fricative as opposed to the _flat_ one used
in Japanese "fu".
J in [gJ], [GJ], [nJ], [lJ] simply indicates point of articulation.
Elsewhere, J and W indicate coarticulation.

Also, what's the proper form of the affricates [tS] and [dZ] (the t and
d in these are alveolar).

           |    unrounded      rounded
           | front    central     back
  close    | i                       u
  closemid |   I                    U
       mid |     e        @        o
   openmid |       E      V       O
   open    |              a

Jeff J.


Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>
Stephen Mulraney <ataltanie@...>