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Re: OT: NATLANG: Romanian orthography question

From:Isaac Penzev <isaacp@...>
Date:Wednesday, November 26, 2003, 11:16
!!!Unicoded as UTF-8!!!

JS Bangs scripsit:

> Quoting Isaac Penzev: > > Yes, you are right. Final _i_ indicates palatalization > > However, in this case the /i/ isn't final either in pronunciation or in > spelling, so it is actually pronounced. _Unit,i-vã_ should in fact be > [u'nitsiv@]. Also, while there is some palatalization before front vowels in > Romanian it is much, much less prominent than in Slavic langs, so saying > that "vorbi" is [vor'b_ji] is rather misleading, as it sounds to my ear as > simply [vor'bi]. Romanian palatalization is in general much less pronounced > than in Slavic.
Any Romanian I heard IRL, was a Moldavian variant. It's deadly palatalized. And _uniţi-vă_ was clearly without extra [i]. May it happen due to Cyrillic spelling _униць-вэ_?
> There was never a time when _â_ and _î_ were distinct sounds, unless you go
> the way back to Latin where the former was generally /a/ and the latter /i/. > Both /a/ and /i/ merged into /1/ at a very early date, and remain merged to > this day.
And in the 20th century, in Cyrillics they used only _ы_ for both _â_ and _î_, and _э_ for _ă_. In the earliest Romanian/Moldavian Cyrillic documents we also find _ѫ_ ("big yus") for _în_. If I have time, I'll post this text to the List later.
> The most recent one, > in 1990, made it so that the two are pure allographs: _î_ is used as the first > or last character of a word, and _â_ elsewhere.
That seems true AFAIK. -- Yitzik


Isaac Penzev <isaacp@...>
JS Bangs <jaspax@...>