Relay: 7. From Chasma"o"cho to Draseleq
From: | Sally Caves <scaves@...> |
Date: | Sunday, December 5, 1999, 20:04 |
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FFlores wrote:
Pablo sent this to Irina:
>...> -----------------------------------------------------------
> En Rodhreles themarth
> I br=F6f qged rrint ned garek.
> I imalain qged rrint =F3lusem garek.
> Ensl=FBr kiantar heqlen garek.
> Satr=E1tseruit, satr=E1t a Rodhreles t=F2lnaindh!
> Sakkonek m=E0ss olman naiek.
> Thul m=FCen dhidhnes pevenqan naiek.
> I thimsimbas naiek, enf=F3l b=FCd vel k=ECrrag turn.
> Satr=E1tseruit, satr=E1t a Rodhreles gevandh!
> -----------------------------------------------------------
Here's the smooth translation:
They hear that good wind gives health.
They hear that a good river gives food.
They hear that separation saddens the stomach.
Let us exalt, exalt Rodhrel's ears!
They see that trees strengthen the house.
They see that fear covers the darkness of a child
They see precious wealth, which brings down the love
between spouses.
Let us exalt, exalt Rodhrel's eyes!
>...> Some background before:
> Drasel=E9q is a VS language, with VSO order for accusative objects,
> and OVS for i-objects. Accusative objects are marked for
> ACCusative case. I-objects are treated like obliques, preceded
> by the particle _i_. Perception verbs take i-objects, as well as
> many others where the subject is a experiencer and/or the object
> is not directly affected by the action of the verb.
> Ditransitive verbs like _qgednen_ 'give' take a direct i-object
> (_i_ + object before the verb) and the *indirect* object is marked
> for ACC case (and goes after the verb and subject).
> The language is prepositional, and modifiers precede heads, except
> for subordinate clauses. Adjectives are stative verbs, and conjugated
> the same as any other verbs. In subordinate clauses, everything is
> kept in place, with the head noun in the relativized clause replaced
> by a pronoun + the relativization suffix REL.
> Abbreviations:
> * the particle _i_ (too many functions to assign a meaningful abbr.)
> ACC accusative case
> CAU causative prefix ('cause/make to be')
> DIM diminutive (not really grammatical)
> GEN genitive (possession, relationship)
> GRP group plural (not collective!)
> NEU neuter/neutral gender (only in 3rd person pronouns)
> REL relativization (on pronouns)
> SBJ subjunctive mood (usually wishing formula, exhortative)
> VOC vocative (also forms imperatives)
> 3s, 3p third person singular, plural
> 1p+ first person plural inclusive
> Interlinear:
> 0. En Rodhreles themarth
> about Rodhr=E9l.GEN stories
> ObConculture: Rodhr=E9l is the goddess of fertility, and of nature
> in general. She also rules the water sources, streams and springs,
> orders the harvesting seasons, and many other things. In the original
> text, there was a similarly wise figure of another culture in place
> of Rodhr=E9l, but since everybody has been adapting it... ;)
> _Themar_ is also adequately translated by 'tellings', 'records',
> etc.; it's a verbal noun from the root <them-> 'to repeat, to
> retell'. In this case, the stories are linked to Rodhr=E9l by a
> plain genitive; they are *her* stories and sayings (=3D she told
> them). 'The stories in which Rodhr=E9l took part' would use a
> different syntax.
> 1. I br=F6f qged rrint ned garek.
> * health give.3s good wind hear.3p
> Here, of course, you have i-Object+V+S with a ditransitive
> verb, where the indirect object is understood. The last verb
> takes the rest of the sentence as a kind of object (there's no
> equivalent to a linking 'that'); it could have been at the
> beginning too.
> 2. I imalain qged rrint =F3lusem garek.
> * food give.3s good river.DIM hear.3p
> Since the diminutive suffix is not a grammatical feature, you can
> translate river.DIM with a word unrelated to 'river', if it suits you.
> 3. Ensl=FBr kiantar heqlen garek.
> CAU.sad.3s separation stomach.ACC hear.3p
> <kian(t)-> 'separation, splitting; dispersion, diaspora'
> 4. Satr=E1tseruit, satr=E1t a Rodhreles t=F2lnaindh!
> exalt.SBJ.1p+ exalt VOC Rodhr=E9l.GEN ears.ACC.GRP
> The VOC particle after a bare verb root can be analyzed as imperative
> or exhortative, as well as the subjunctive mood. The GRP suffix on
> ears is used whenever you refer to both ears of a person as a set.
> 5. Sakkonek m=E0ss olman naiek.
> strengthen.3p trees house.ACC see.3p
> I know this doesn't have much sense!
> 6. Thul m=FCen dhidhnes pevenqan naiek.
> cover.3s fear child.GEN darkness.ACC see.3p
> Neither does this... It's just a literal translation (and it has been
> going round as such -- don't tell :).
> 7. I thimsimbas naiek, enf=F3l b=FCd vel k=ECrragth turn.
> * treasure see.3p take_down.3s 3sNEU.REL among spouses love.ACC
> _thimsimbas_ 'treasure (abstract), richness, wealth, the possession of
> valuable things'
> _enfolten_ 'to take down, to bury, to submerge; (fig.) to end'
> 8. Satr=E1tseruit, satr=E1t a Rodhreles gevandh!
> exalt.SBJ.1p+ exalt VOC Rodhr=E9l.GEN eyes.ACC.GRP
> Same comment as for the ears.
> Well, mail me if you get into trouble translating this.
> Na k=E9rselhadh i teken! ("Good luck to the brave!")
> --Pablo Flores
> <<<----
SALLY CAVES (bragpage) (T. homepage) (all else)
Niffodyr tweluenrem lis teuim an.
"The gods have retractible claws."
from _The Gospel of Bastet_
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From: "FFlores" <fflores@...>
To: "Sally Caves" <scaves@...>,
"Boudewijn Rempt" <bsarempt@...>,
"Steg Belsky" <draqonfayir@...>,
"Irina Rempt-Drijfhout" <ira@...>,
"Andrew Smith" <hobbit@...>,
"Josh Roth" <Fuscian@...>,
"Matt Pearson" <jmpearson@...>,
"Rob Nierse" <rnierse@...>,
"Dirk Elzinga" <dirk.elzinga@...>,
"Dennis Paul Himes" <dennis@...>,
"Nicole Perrin" <nicole.perrin@...>,
"Adam Parrish" <myth@...>,
"John Fisher" <john@...>,
"Fabian" <rhialto@...>, "John Cowan" <cowan@...>,
"Terrence Donnelly" <pag000@...>,
"Patrick Dunn" <tb0pwd1@...>,
"Nik Taylor" <fortytwo@...>,
"Paul Bennett" <Paul.Bennett@...>,
"Jeffrey Henning" <Jeffrey@...>,
"Christopher Grandsire" <grandsir@...>
Subject: RE: relay
Date: Mon, 22 Nov 1999 10:03:41 -0300
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It seems Christophe has decided not to wait, so I'll post my
own text here. It was sent to Dirk first, but he decided it
was too alien for Tepa, so he passed it along to Irina.
Christophe's text in Chasma"o"cho was:
Ti' emol Asclepyos
Home"u"fadi vraotceipe"i"ri tle"the chasmeuth achuunao' ae,
hompas ceipe"i"ri skro"e"he chasmeuth clu"u"me ae,
hompas vraotendhipsirmeude"i"ri gdoja"re ae,
: eufadipenta"e"sti, eufadipenta"e"sti ehequ"e"va Asclepyos : |
Ucirmadh elptasinsubeude"li fyongyo"ngo ae,
ucirpas sratese"li tuuplao' zoepe' memyo' ae,
ucirpas fadhe' vordiproce"i"ri i"nte yan creszeud vraotuuf' cre"luum ae,
: eufadipenta"e"sti, eufadipenta"e"sti acmiqu"e"va Asclepyos : |
And to Dirk I sent this:
Well, Dirk, here it is. I just finished translating the
text Christophe sent me, and here is for you, in Drasel=E9q.
Please write back if you don't get the accents right or
if you have any doubts.
[Just to test: =E1=E9i=F3=FA =E0=E8=EC=F2=F9 =E2=EA=EE=F4=FB =E4=F6=FC ar=
e aeiou with
accutes, with graves, with circumflexes, and aou with
En Rodhreles themarth
I br=F6f qged rrint ned garek.
I imalain qged rrint =F3lusem garek.
Ensl=FBr kiantar heqlen garek.
Satr=E1tseruit, satr=E1t a Rodhreles t=F2lnaindh!
Sakkonek m=E0ss olman naiek.
Thul m=FCen dhidhnes pevenqan naiek.
I thimsimbas naiek, enf=F3l b=FCd vel k=ECrrag turn.
Satr=E1tseruit, satr=E1t a Rodhreles gevandh!
Some background before:
Drasel=E9q is a VS language, with VSO order for accusative objects,
and OVS for i-objects. Accusative objects are marked for
ACCusative case. I-objects are treated like obliques, preceded
by the particle _i_. Perception verbs take i-objects, as well as
many others where the subject is a experiencer and/or the object
is not directly affected by the action of the verb.
Ditransitive verbs like _qgednen_ 'give' take a direct i-object
(_i_ + object before the verb) and the *indirect* object is marked
for ACC case (and goes after the verb and subject).
The language is prepositional, and modifiers precede heads, except
for subordinate clauses. Adjectives are stative verbs, and conjugated
the same as any other verbs. In subordinate clauses, everything is
kept in place, with the head noun in the relativized clause replaced
by a pronoun + the relativization suffix REL.
* the particle _i_ (too many functions to assign a meaningful abbr.)
ACC accusative case
CAU causative prefix ('cause/make to be')
DIM diminutive (not really grammatical)
GEN genitive (possession, relationship)
GRP group plural (not collective!)
NEU neuter/neutral gender (only in 3rd person pronouns)
REL relativization (on pronouns)
SBJ subjunctive mood (usually wishing formula, exhortative)
VOC vocative (also forms imperatives)
3s, 3p third person singular, plural
1p+ first person plural inclusive
0. En Rodhreles themarth
about Rodhr=E9l.GEN stories
ObConculture: Rodhr=E9l is the goddess of fertility, and of nature
in general. She also rules the water sources, streams and springs,
orders the harvesting seasons, and many other things. In the original
text, there was a similarly wise figure of another culture in place
of Rodhr=E9l, but since everybody has been adapting it... ;)
_Themar_ is also adequately translated by 'tellings', 'records',
etc.; it's a verbal noun from the root <them-> 'to repeat, to
retell'. In this case, the stories are linked to Rodhr=E9l by a
plain genitive; they are *her* stories and sayings (=3D she told
them). 'The stories in which Rodhr=E9l took part' would use a
different syntax.
1. I br=F6f qged rrint ned garek.
* health give.3s good wind hear.3p
Here, of course, you have i-Object+V+S with a ditransitive
verb, where the indirect object is understood. The last verb
takes the rest of the sentence as a kind of object (there's no
equivalent to a linking 'that'); it could have been at the=20
beginning too.
2. I imalain qged rrint =F3lusem garek.
* food give.3s good river.DIM hear.3p
Since the diminutive suffix is not a grammatical feature, you can
translate river.DIM with a word unrelated to 'river', if it suits you.
3. Ensl=FBr kiantar heqlen garek.
CAU.sad.3s separation stomach.ACC hear.3p
<kian(t)-> 'separation, splitting; dispersion, diaspora'
4. Satr=E1tseruit, satr=E1t a Rodhreles t=F2lnaindh!
exalt.SBJ.1p+ exalt VOC Rodhr=E9l.GEN ears.ACC.GRP
The VOC particle after a bare verb root can be analyzed as imperative
or exhortative, as well as the subjunctive mood. The GRP suffix on
ears is used whenever you refer to both ears of a person as a set.
5. Sakkonek m=E0ss olman naiek.
strengthen.3p trees house.ACC see.3p
I know this doesn't have much sense!
6. Thul m=FCen dhidhnes pevenqan naiek.
cover.3s fear child.GEN darkness.ACC see.3p
Neither does this... It's just a literal translation (and it has been
going round as such -- don't tell :).
7. I thimsimbas naiek, enf=F3l b=FCd vel k=ECrragth turn.
* treasure see.3p take_down.3s 3sNEU.REL among spouses love.ACC
_thimsimbas_ 'treasure (abstract), richness, wealth, the possession of
valuable things'
_enfolten_ 'to take down, to bury, to submerge; (fig.) to end'
8. Satr=E1tseruit, satr=E1t a Rodhreles gevandh!
exalt.SBJ.1p+ exalt VOC Rodhr=E9l.GEN eyes.ACC.GRP
Same comment as for the ears.
Well, mail me if you get into trouble translating this.
Na k=E9rselhadh i teken! ("Good luck to the brave!")
--Pablo Flores