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Re: Naming the conlang

From:Roger Mills <rfmilly@...>
Date:Monday, July 12, 2004, 5:04
> Scotto Hlad wrote: > > > My question is how have others named their languages? Dare I ask what > > the derivation of the names of various languages is. The first conlang I > > ever developed (sometime in the last millenium) was called "Kadingu" > > which meant "the tongue." I understand as well that at least some of > > the aboriginal languages of North American are simply derived from the > > word for "people."
Kash (kaç) means 'person; people; human by extension', apparently an old deformation of the verb _kayi [kai]_ 'live, alive' via kay > kaZ > kaS. _Gwr_ means 'free' < *kabúr. The third language, which I mentioned recently, is Prevli, of so far undetermined meaning-- perhaps 'village' or 'meeting place'. (The village where the Kash first encountered them was located at the junction of two rivers.) The people call themselves La?laNta, which I think means 'children {i.e., of the gods]'; the Kash call them lañ-lañ [laN laN].