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Re: "To slurp" in latin, is there such a thing?

From:Carsten Becker <carbeck@...>
Date:Wednesday, January 28, 2009, 14:19
taliesin the storyteller schrieb:
> BonusTranslationExercise: > <verb> ergo sum, I <verb> therefore I am >
Ayeri: Hesyang kada yomayang. Hes -yang kada yoma -yang slurp-1s.AGT thus exist-1s.AGT Hes- [çes], 'to slurp', had to be coined new. It's supposed to be onomatopoetic. German: Ich schlürfe, also bin ich. Ich schlürf-Ø -e also bin ich 1s.NOM slurp -PRES-1s, so be.PRES.1s 1s.NOM -- Ang ming sungva baloybenungley nā ya: