On 10.4.2007 Jim Henry wrote:
> These docs probably want a little more formatting cleanup.
> Let me know if you spot any broken links or other problems.
> (For instance, maybe it would be cleaner if the links weren't
> all underlined? Does anyone know offhand how to do that
> with a CSS command?)
IMNSHO links should be underlined in HTML (and everything
else shouldn't: there is italics or boldface for what
underlining does in handwriting.) Those sites that use
boldface and/or a different color without underlining for
links are very irritating. I don't even grok they are links
until I happen to point the mouse on them.
/BP 8^)>
Benct Philip Jonsson -- melroch at melroch dot se
"Ge dig, Jedi!"
-- A Sith from Gothenburg