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Re: Germanic YANC alert!

From:James Campbell <james@...>
Date:Friday, April 14, 2000, 8:40
yl-ruil writ:

> Since the only other Germanic Conlang on the list is Jameld AFAIK, I = > want to ask the estimable Mr Campbell a few questions:
Feel free. Oh, you have.
> What does "t~s" mean, and where do you derive it from?
It's the highly unattractive ASCII version of the Jameld letter Aut~s, which is written as a ts ligature, the tops of the t and s being joined by a curved bar. It's pronounced /S/, and occurs where German and Dutch would have _sch_, normally. See it accurately represented, along with lots of other blithery, in the PDF of my last newsletter, The Jameld Line. Exact URL escapes me, but go to and follow the Jameld Line link. Sorry if you hate PDFs, but they're great for font embedding.
> Do you have anything digital on Jameld grammar you would let us look at, = > please?
Working on that... Yes, I'm aware that there's precious little on the website, it's on my list of Things To Do this year, but I'm currently moving house and attempting to finish the long-gestated Jameld Dictionary (Third Edition), so the website's been slightly neglected. The Jameld grammar is very simple, as at the time I wanted to get rid of all the complexity that, as a 12-year-old, I disliked in French and German (and which I now love, as a conlanger). So, in the dominant Üstzur dialect anyway, there are no case endings, no grammatical gender, no agreement in number, and there's only one verb conjugation and it's the same for all persons and numbers (it was all there in Old Jameld, but was simplified out, as in English). Jameld's really about vocab, with a simple grammar. To begin with, it was pretty close to being a relex, but after 18 years I've gradually given it its own flavour and made it less Englishy. I don't even like some of the verb endings, but I feel rather stuck with them. If you want detail, please say and I'll dig out some stuff and post it here.
> What do the umlaut on the letters mean?
Um, ä ö ü as in "standard" German (if it exists), ë is /i:/ and ï is /aI/ (cf. German _ie_/_ei_). And é is as in French.
> Actually, would it be possible to have a quick Jameld pronunciation = > lesson, please?
Ooh. Give me a day or so. I have Word files I can repurpose and hack about with pronunciation and grammar. James
> ----------------------------- > I chirikleski kul chi perel duvar pe yek than > > The droppings of the flying bird never fall twice on the same spot > -------------------------------------------------------------------------=
:) ========================================================================= James Campbell Zeugma--Our Life Is Design =========================================================================