Re: OTbagpipes (wasRe: Musical languistics - Mass Reply)
From: | Peter Bleackley <peter.bleackley@...> |
Date: | Monday, June 16, 2003, 8:31 |
Staving mike poxon:
>...>Northumbrian pipes have a very sweet, almost "birdsong" trilling sound. I
>think Mike Oldfield used them in "Ommadawn"
>(from Gaelic amadan, 'song') by the way, I think. The most famous exponent
>of the NPs is Kathryn Tickell (who as well as being official piper to the
>mayor of Newcastle, is one dem' fine-lookin' woman! :-) ).
I've seen Kathryn Tickell live a couple of times, and have two of her
albums. I much prefer the Nothumbrian pipes to the Highland pipes, which
are strictly speaking an outdoor instrument that should never be played
indoors (because they're too bloomin' loud at close quarters).
Instruments played on Huna include a double flute, whose pipes play
pentatonic scales a fourth apart. The player interweaves melodies in
semi-improvised counterpoint, and a large zither. There is also a small
whistle that imitates birdsong, and enormous ceremonial percussion.