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Re: OTbagpipes (wasRe: Musical languistics - Mass Reply)

From:makeenan <makeenan@...>
Date:Sunday, June 15, 2003, 12:38
>===== Original Message From Constructed Languages List <
>According to my English-Irish dictionary (btw, anyone know why English is >'Béarla' in Irish?):
According to MacBain's (My apostrophes are actually fadas. Sorry) Be'urla (Gaelic spelling) - English, language. (Irish; [Be'arla], speech, language, especially English.) Old Irish be'lre, be'l+re. Be'l = mouth plus re = an abstract termination. I suspect that the meaning of speech or language is earlier. and then took on the meaning of English later when they encountered the English. it IS strange because they have the usual Celtic word for English nationality; Sasanach. logically the language *should* be something like Sasanais or Sasanaig. -Duke
>-Stephen (Steg) > "siúd chugaibh mary chinidh is í i ndiaidh an éirne shnámh"