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Re: THEORY: vowel harmony [was CHAT: Another NatLang i like]

From:Raymond A. Brown <raybrown@...>
Date:Monday, June 28, 1999, 5:07
At 5:45 pm +0200 27/6/99, Kristian Jensen wrote:
> >Based on this, one could assume that a very narrow transcription of >the Mongolian word cited "k=F8begyn" as [k<+>_w=F8b<+>eg<+>_wyn] where >all the consonants are fronted in anticipation of front consonants >and some rounded in anticipation of rounded vowels. Front/back >'spread' or 'harmony'? Its difficult for me to picture that fronting >in vowel harmony does _not_ also 'spread' to consonants. Afterall, >all vowels are fronted so I suspect that all consonants would also be >fronted to a certain degree in anticipation of all the front vowels.
Yes, I'm sure this so. But a thought occurred to me somewhen round about 5:00 this morning: the modifications of the consonants in "k=F8begyn" are clearly all allophonic modifications - there is no substitution of one phoneme by another or a modification so great that a consonant merges with that of another consonant phoneme .......
>Again, how is that different from nasal spread?
=2E...but don't the consonants affected by nasalization actually merge with or get replaced by different phonemes? Or am I still only half-awake? :-) Ray.