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Re: THEORY: vowel harmony [was CHAT: Another NatLang i like]

From:Nik Taylor <fortytwo@...>
Date:Monday, June 28, 1999, 5:22
"Raymond A. Brown" wrote:
> But a thought occurred to me somewhen round about 5:00 this morning: th=
> modifications of the consonants in "k=F8begyn" are clearly all allophon=
> modifications - there is no substitution of one phoneme by another or a > modification so great that a consonant merges with that of another > consonant phoneme .......
Perhaps I'm missing something, but in a language with, say, front-back harmony, what would make /u/ and /y/ separate phonemes, at least any more so that the modifications you stated. That is, if a language had possible roots [k_wys_w%] and [kise], why should [i] and [y] be called separate phonemes but not [k] and [k_w].=20 Granted, there's something more than allophones going on there, but what to call phonemes, the exact same change is going on, roundedness? You could say that [k_w] and [k] were separate phonemes, while [y] and [i] were conditioned allophones. My analysis would be phonemic /kise/ (or /k_wys%/) with a supersegmental feature of [+round] or [-round] over the *whole word* rather than individual segments. --=20 Happy that Nation, - fortunate that age, whose history is not diverting -- Benjamin Franklin ICQ #: 18656696 AIM screen-name: NikTailor