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substrates and history

From:Frank George Valoczy <valoczy@...>
Date:Thursday, March 22, 2001, 0:39
I would have a few questions now.

Firstly, Dalmatian, being the language of that large state of which a
large number of South Slavs and Illyrians are residents, must have a
south-Slavic and an Illyrian substrate in there...any suggestions as to
how I might find this? Also a Turkish substrate dating to about the 1early
15th century when much of the Dalmatian state fell under Turkish rule.

Secondly, historywise: the history of Dalmatia I presented goes up to the
end of the 1500's, as after that the history of Europe *here* becomes far
more confused what with international or even transcontinental politics
and events influencing even local histories. What happens *there* from
about 1600 to 1900? I think I recall, that the French Revolution did take
place *there*?

Ferenc Gy. Valoczy

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