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my grammar

From:# 1 <salut_vous_autre@...>
Date:Thursday, December 30, 2004, 6:40
A little explanation of what I already have of my grammar

I'll pass over the phonology, first, because I'm ready to take as much
sounds I will need, and second, because I haven't created any vocabulary or
cases so I'll have to add sounds

(when I use the word consonants, it can also include affricates)

Vocalic change:

V1 -> V2

  i  -> I
u -> U
e -> 2
A -> o
E -> E~
a -> a~
O -> O~
@ -> @ (unchanged)

This is not an attempt of vocalic harmony it is to make possible to change
the word by using V1 or its V2 equivalent (for that reason a word can't have
only a schwa as vowel)

Consonant change (it's more simple)

     C1    ->   C2
voiceless -> voiced

(nasal consonants can be changed by that rule but it is not necessary
because a word should not contain only nasals)

1: In a noun (or pronoun) the V1 - V2 opposition indicates the Singular -
Plural opposition

2: The C1 - C2 opposition indicates the Nominative - Accusative opposition

                                    Nominative  Accusative

Singular      first person         pi               bi
Singular second person         te              de
Singular     third person         ka              ga

Plural         first person         pI               bI
Plural    second person         tE               dE
Plural        third person         ka~            ga~

3: there are 3 times, represented by the word order
(I can't see a linguistic possibility and waste it by giving a stric or a
free word-order)

VSO is the past
SVO is the present
SOV is the futur

4: the question form simply inverts the subject and the pronoun

VOS a question about the past
OVS a question about the present
OSV a question about the futur

5: There are 7 aspects, represented by the first consonant of each verb
(there can have a vowel before or it can beggin the verb)

perfective:    f       S     x
inchoactive: pp\    ts    kx
cessative:    pf      tS   qX
perpetual:   p_h   t_h  k_h
progressive:  p       t     k
iterative: liguo-labial plosive, post-alveolar plosive, and [q] (all

(These can be subject to the Consonantal change)

6: There are 4 voices, depending of the consonantal and vocalic change

active:      is C1/V1
middle:     is C1/V2
passive:    is C2/V1
reciprocal: is C2/V2

(so to pass from the active to the reciprocal voice, you need to change both
vowels and consonants)

7: There are 7 moods, changing with a suffix

Imperative:   no suffix
Indicative:    -@:m
Potential:`   -@:n
Dubitative:   -@:N
Optative:     -@N
Cohortative: -@n
Hupothetic:  -@m

8: There are 3 "affirmitivities", indicate by changing the mood's @ by an
other vowel and, at imperative, by simply adding the vowel

basic                (I go):   no changing
positive        (I do go):   y (rounded i)
negative (I do not go):   6 (open schwa)

9: the stress is always on the last vowel of the word wich is not a schwa

theorically: 3times x 7aspects x 4voices x 7moods x 3affirmitivities = 1764
possibilities (that can be turned in questions)

if eat = tak

"shall I have finish to eat you?"

Q  question
T  futur
As perfective
V  active
M  hypothetic
Af basic

"de' pi' Sa'k@m"

"You probably didn't want to beggin to be eaten by them"

Q  not a question
T  past
As inchoactive
V  passive
M  potential
Af negative

"dza'g6:n pi' ga~' "

(the "dzag6:n" is far away from the basic "tak")

(and I know that the basic "tak" I've took could already be analysed as a
"progressive, active, imperative, basic" verb but I must start somewhere the
bases of words)

How is this? commentaries?

I know it is impossible to remember all that (for me it's impossible, if you
can congratulation!) it is only for the fact it is compact that I did it.


Chris Bates <chris.maths_student@...>Word Order Indicating Tense (was: my grammar)