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Re: Ethical Dative, was Re: Polysynthetic Languages

From:John Cowan <cowan@...>
Date:Monday, September 29, 2003, 3:55
David Barrow scripsit:

> "He that kills me some six or seven dozens of Scots before breakfast" > > To me above dative and the one in the Spanish "El nene no me come la > comida" is more than parenthical. It conveys the idea of 'you do it for > me as a favour even if you are not keen on doing it for your own sake'
I think that's a poor example. Better is Casca's from "Julius Caesar": Marry, before he [i.e. Caesar] fell down, when he perceived the common herd was glad he refused the crown, he plucked me [eth. dat.] ope[n] his doublet and offered them his throat to cut. This plainly does not mean that Caesar plucked open his doublet *for Casca*, but rather that he feels himself relevant to the action. -- Híggledy-pìggledy / XML programmers John Cowan Try to escape those / I-eighteen-N woes; Incontrovertibly / What we need more of is Unicode weenies and / Fran )Bçois Yergeaus.


David Barrow <davidab@...>