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Re: CHAT: con-this'n'that

From:John Cowan <cowan@...>
Date:Saturday, May 15, 1999, 19:11
From Http://Members.Aol.Com/Lassailly/Tunuframe.Html scripsit:

> Still, where are the Anglo-Saxons plotting *there* ? (they must be plotting > somewhere). Anyway let's pretend she doesn't speak French. Or with such an > apalling accent that you could hardly tell that. And anyway she's the queen, > isn't she ? So where is that darn guillotine now ?
Anyhow, it turns out that the style "King of France" was dropped during the Entente early in this century. (It had been a dead letter since the reconquest of Calais in 1453 anyhow.) -- John Cowan e'osai ko sarji la lojban.