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Re: Tiny lexicon languages

From:dunn patrick w <tb0pwd1@...>
Date:Thursday, June 17, 1999, 3:21
On Wed, 16 Jun 1999, Jim Henry wrote:

> No, I think the context suggested a tiny loglan. I think such a > language might be of interest if one developed it for a narrow > semantic domain or social context. > > Personally I prefer a relatively small lexicon with creative use of > derivation, but 20 roots is probably too small to be useful... it will > be interesting to try, though.
Here's an idea: let's modify the challenge. Twenty roots. As many derivational mechanisms as you want. As many grammatical rules as you want. Can be isolating, inflecting, or agulululululating. Analytic or synthetic, or any degree thereof. But only twenty roots. Eh?