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Re: Tiny lexicon languages

From:Nik Taylor <fortytwo@...>
Date:Thursday, June 17, 1999, 0:05
Jim Henry wrote:
> Personally I prefer a relatively small lexicon with creative use of > derivation, but 20 roots is probably too small to be useful...
I'm generally the same way, altho I also like "unpredictable" derivations, like kapa'/kapaffa' (distant/distance), kassi'/kassissa' (sing/song) - the original forms were ke"pa'f/ke"pafla' and kasti'he"s/kastihe"sla', the -fl- and -sl- became -lf- and -ls-, then the l assimilated, to make -ff- and -ss, but the final consonants were lost in the root form. (e" = /@/) I tend to like to make verbs my basic roots, and derive other words from them, for instance: saga' (to speak) sagga' (language) (-la' = abstract noun) saggapyasu'n (to study linguistics) (-pyasu'n = to study X) sunasaggapyasu'n (linguist) (su- = gender 3; na- = one who) pisaggapyasunna' (linguistics) (pi- gender 7; -la' = abstract noun) saggapyasunnaya'sa (linguistic) (-ya'sa = adjective) -- Happy that Nation, - fortunate that age, whose history is not diverting -- Benjamin Franklin ICQ #: 18656696 AIM screen-name: NikTailor