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Re: The man who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.

From:Sylvia Sotomayor <kelen@...>
Date:Tuesday, August 10, 2004, 18:29
On Monday 09 August 2004 18:31, Trebor Jung wrote:
> How would your conlang(s) translate this? The primary obstacle, to me, for > translating of this sentence into Kosi is that I can't seem to figure out > what 'by' means here...
híja ñamma jaláe jarwá ñamma jánne to ñamma jawíra jakíthi rá; conditional-future make/do/ mountain unmade-thing make/do/ beginning from make/do/ burden stones to/away. He who would un-make a mountain makes a beginning from making burden of stones (taken) away. He who would remove a mountain starts by carrying stones away. (to 'from' is an inanimate agent marker, which also functions as a causative marker for anything but an animate voluntary agent.) -- Sylvia Sotomayor Kélen language info can be found at: This post may contain the following: á (a-acute) é (e-acute) í (i-acute) ó (o-acute) ú (u-acute) ñ (n-tilde) áe ñarra anmárienne cí áe reharra anmárienne lá;


Philippe Caquant <herodote92@...>